Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Have you ever thought something, to find that moments later someone had said or done that very thing? Chances are, this has happened to you more the once. This is a phenomena known as telepathy.

Telepathy is defined as mind to mind thought transfer. It's typically thought to be used primly for communication.
However, that is hardly so. Telepaths typically use their ability for much more then conversations, especially since most people don't get so skilled that they can completely filter AOL, analytic Overlay, or just second guessing yourself.
Really for any power as broad as this , its best to be able to explore the bounds of it, and try to stretch the limit.

Scanning is commonly defined as Mind reading, or mind probing. Though that isn't a very accurate way to describe it since people don't just think one define thought at a time. Telepathic scanning is usually done with the use of a link. A Link is a connection from one mind to another it helps you to exchange information to the other mind and back. I'll give you an example of linking; An example of linking in popular media, is when ET and Elliot wear feeling the same thing. (In the movie ET, you probably seen it.) When ET got drunk and Elliot got drunk/ hangover. However in any case I've heard of that hasn't happened. So to make a link visualize a 'tube' or 'tunnel' going from your mind to the mind of the target. From there you can start asking for questions or let their thoughts come to you.

For a regular scanning session. I usually start by thinking of their face (and/ or name) where as most people use their psi sig, their mental concept of the person in mind, then try to empty your mind to prevent AOL (Analytical Overlay, as defined above). Though you will typically not completely prevent it, due to the effort it would take to achieve a perfectly quiet mind, but it helps. Now wait for something to come to you, and you'll just know it's not AOL. (Acquiring this feeling may take months of being wrong, until you trust it. If you have trouble with sorting out AOL and received thoughts, try playing, "Kim's Game", mentioned in the book "How to Read the Aura and Practice Psychometry, Telepathy and Clairvoyance" by W. E. Bulter. It's played by getting a tray and setting 20 or so random objects. You get about a minute or so (You can pick the time.) to try and remember all the items. Write down everything you remember, then check yourself. The idea is to remember everything in the least amount of time. Alternatively, you could say and record everything you think, then go back over it. This can be done with a tape recorder, note book, camera, microphone, anything you feel comfortable with.(Just until you get the hang of recognizing AOL.)

Pinging is the beginning of sending. Basically it is just sending a one worded, or otherwise simple message. You want to start by getting in a relaxed, light meditation. If you would like to make a link, now is the time, though using a link is not necessary for pinging. Focus on the person your targeting and try to send. Visualize the word, image, or concept going down the link, or just going in their head. Of course you can be creative, whatever works for you to feel you pinged the target successfully. If it's someone your friendly with, you can try to get them to call you, or which ever preferred method of getting in touch with eachother you two have.

Telepathic Suggestion, or more commonly written in its short hand as TPS. TPS is using telepathy to suggest someone to do something. This works by just sending a message to the person's subconscious. I would like add that telepathic suggestion can not achieve any form of mind control. If you though to yourself right now, "I want to go play in traffic", would you do it, just because you had that thought? Not unless you were all ready wanting to do whatever the person suggested you to do. TPS can be easily practiced. First, you find a test subject, with there permission, you try and send them a command. I believe it would be best not to tell them when you are going to do so, to avoid Placebo effect. TPS affects the subconscious mind, at least at first, so keep that in mind as you practice. Since its only suggestion you can never get them to do anything they don't want to do.

So to do it I start of like receiving, by focusing on their psi sig, as mentioned earlier, and start sending the thoughts in their mind. Its best to do a short command rather then a long winded one, no matter how good you are. It would depend on the receiver's sensitivity if anything. It's best to think about the whole topic rather then repeat the same word over and over. This is to prevent you from losing concentration as well as it may help them pick up on what you are telling them.

Lets go on to broadcasting. In short , broadcasting is sort of yelling telepathic messages to the immediate group. You could use it to tell people at a conscert to get out of your way, and so on. Broadcasting (for me at least) isn't really any harder then sending with a slightly tighter, "flex", of your telepathic muscel. My method is to visualize your self in the group sending out radio waves to everyone. Make it as loud as possible, chances are it won't matter if it gets to people that far past the reaches of the group.

Storing telepathic messages. This is pretty much binding TPS to an object. I really just do it by TPSing the messaging into the object and it just stays their automatically. If the idea is to hard to understand, just bind a construct to the item with your message. You could attach a message to a dollar bill, since they get circulated a lot. Or to an email , even a seat so when someone sits down they feel the urge to get up and do something. You could bind it to a rock, for healing purposes. You could attach it to your cloths and have it broadcast a message to those around you that it makes you attractive. Anything you can do with TPS, you can bind to an item some how.

Last, and possibly least, sending and receiving. The most common use of telepathy is sending and receiving between to telepaths. Beginners will do this over a chatroom, that way they can check themselves for hits and misses, hit is sending/ receiving the correct message, miss is getting it wrong. The technique is similar to scanning and receiving techniques, but you will usually be using a specific item, depending on your game.

Usual games are shapes and colors, guess the fruit, guess the numbers, or if it's someone you know, even guess the person. Almost always players will have a link during the game. The most common is shapes and colors, so I will explain it first. The game is played by having a player pick a random combination of a shape and color, then sending it to a receiver. The receiver tells the sender what he thinks the answer is. Other games are similar, guess the fruit involves sending or receiving for the fruit, guess the number is pretty self explanatory at this point. Usually players will specify 5 shapes and find colors to use, or five fruit, and as they get better they will involve more combinations.

A final note, overloads and hypersensitivity. Overloads come from being to acting telepathically or empathetically. It can be from being in a large crowd, or even an attack by another psion. Hypersensitivity would be an overload, even when your not around a crowd or under attack. Symptoms include head aches or migraines, aches, and in worse cases, unconsciousness. If your having a problem with overloads or have hypersensitivity, read an article on grounding and shielding.


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