Monday, July 20, 2009


Seeing things that are not there. Hearing voices. Beliveing things that are proven wrong. And so much more. But the only problem is, how do you know it's all fake. Humanity is ignorant to think highly of itself. Same with anyone else (I'm definatly fuilty of this.)
However, these are all positive symptoms. Strangly, in this case positive does'nt mean good, just not as bad as the rest. Negative symptoms include apathy, asociality, amotivation. Basiacally schizoid and antisocial behaviors. The diffrence being that schizophrenia affects the brain, schizoid, schizotypal, and antisocial behaviors are personality disorders.
I could go into "Maybe we all are just hallucinating, and we're all schizoprenic, and really their is nothing." but I won't. Mainly because I find the notion stupid and boring. If nothing exsists, their would be even less meaning then their already is, and I don't see how we could possiable be less meaningless then we already are.
Schizophrenia comes from stress, drug use, psychological, or physical trama. Anything that can damage your brain and/ or a few certaint nerves. Brain damage can less then often be fixed. Drug use would go into the same catagory. Psychological trama would be pretty much the same thing as stress, but could also be placebo effect, both can be cured with drugs or therapy. Physical trama, depnding of wether it affects the brain or nerve can be fixed, again, less then often...
This is all just thought, things that seem to be right. I have'nt looked up allot of this, so question the credability all you want. (If someone is actualy reading this. :P)

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